Tuesday 11 March 2008

The Future of Lifelong Learning

NIACE recently called for evidence to contribute to an independent commission of inquiry into the future for lifelong learning and its impact on happiness and well-being. About 20 students from PSAD took away the information with a view to writing or e-mailing their responses – in particular the commission is interested in:

What the evidence tells us about the impact of lifelong learning on happiness and well-being?

Where are the gaps in evidence in relation to this theme?

What are the key messages from this evidence to pass on to the inquiry?

What does the impact of lifelong learning have on mental health, satisfaction with life and one's ability to shape one's destiny?

The commission is chaired by Sir David Watson; it was launched on 25 September 2007and it will report in Spring 2009. During the NIACE – sponsored inquiry, experts from government, business, academia, trade unions, public service, providers and the voluntary and community sector, as well as learners, will come together in a process to identify a broad consensus for the future direction of adult learning policy in the UK.
The website for further information about the commission is available at www.lifelonglearninginquiry.org.uk